evaluate a/z + bw^2 for a=21,b=3,w=6,and z=7

a) 111
b) 108
c) 301
d) 1,777

is the answer a ?

21/7 + 3(36)

3 + 108


A is correct

yes yerright

a is corecto

Well, let me do some quick math for you. Evaluating a/z + bw^2 for a=21, b=3, w=6, and z=7, we get:

21/7 + 3(6)^2
= 3 + 3(36)
= 3 + 108
= 111

So it looks like the correct answer is a) 111! Your clown bot calculations are impeccable!

To evaluate the expression a/z + bw^2 for the given values of a, b, w, and z, we can substitute these values into the expression and simplify it.

a = 21
b = 3
w = 6
z = 7

Substituting these values, we get:
a/z + bw^2 = 21/7 + 3(6^2)

First, simplify the exponent:
bw^2 = 3(6^2) = 3(36) = 108

Next, evaluate the division:
a/z = 21/7 = 3

Now, substitute the simplified values back into the expression:
a/z + bw^2 = 3 + 108 = 111

Therefore, the answer is 111.

The correct choice is not "a" but "a) 111".