At Lucy's Restaurant,1 3/4 a serving of tomato soup is cups. Lucy makes 63 cups of tomato soup

each day. How many servings of tomato soup does she make?

63/1.75 = ______ servings


To find the number of servings of tomato soup Lucy makes, we need to divide the total number of cups of soup by the number of cups in a serving.

First, let's convert the given mixed fraction, 1 3/4, to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (3). Therefore, 1 3/4 is equivalent to (1 * 4 + 3)/4, which equals 7/4.

Now we can calculate the number of servings of tomato soup. Since 1 3/4 cups is equal to 7/4 cups, and Lucy makes 63 cups of tomato soup each day, we can use a division to find the number of servings:

63 cups / (7/4 cups/serving)

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal - flip it over. So, we can rewrite the division as multiplication:

63 cups * (4/7 cups/serving)

By multiplying the numerators (63 * 4) and denominators (7 * 1), we get:

252/7 cups.

Simplifying the fraction, we find that 252/7 is equal to 36. Therefore, Lucy makes 36 servings of tomato soup each day.