1. What does Sartre say the young man must do?

a. Leave his mother and join the Free French forces.

b. Stay home and care for his mother.

c. Do whatever his strongest feelings tell him that he should do.

d. None of the above.

To determine what Sartre says about what the young man must do, we need to refer to the work or text in which Sartre discusses this topic. Jean-Paul Sartre was a philosopher and writer who explored existentialism, so his writing often deals with questions of individual freedom and self-determination.

One of Sartre's well-known works is "Existentialism is a Humanism," a lecture he gave in 1946. In this lecture, he addresses the idea of individual choice and its consequences. While he does not provide a direct statement about a young man specifically, he does express the central concept of existentialism:

"Existence precedes essence," which means that individuals have the freedom to create their own meaning and purpose in life.

Considering the given options:

a. Leaving his mother and joining the Free French forces is a specific action that may align with individual freedom and the pursuit of a cause, but we cannot attribute it directly to Sartre without additional context from his work.

b. Staying home and caring for his mother is a noble and responsible action, but it is not necessarily what Sartre would advocate unless the young man genuinely feels inwardly compelled to do so.

c. Doing whatever his strongest feelings tell him to do aligns more closely with the existentialist idea of individual choice and self-determination. Sartre emphasizes the importance of personal authenticity and making decisions based on one's own values and convictions.

d. Without further context, we cannot definitively say that none of the above applies to what Sartre says the young man must do.

Given this analysis, option c seems to be the most plausible answer based on the principles of existentialism and Sartre's emphasis on individual freedom and responsibility. However, it is important to keep in mind that the specific answer may depend on the particular work or text by Sartre being referred to in the question.