1. Viktor Frankl states that it is ______ to define lifes meaning in broad and sweeping terms.

a. Necessary.

b. Easy.

c. Impossible.

d. Possible but very hard.

What do you think?

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze Viktor Frankl's perspective on defining life's meaning. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor who developed a psychological approach called logotherapy. According to Frankl, it is difficult to define life's meaning in broad and sweeping terms.

To find the answer, we can search for Viktor Frankl's views on defining life's meaning. This can be done by referring to his writings, interviews, or articles that discuss his beliefs. Reliable sources such as books, academic papers, or reputable websites would provide the necessary information.

By conducting a search using keywords like "Viktor Frankl defining life's meaning," we may come across various sources that discuss his views on this topic. It is crucial to critically evaluate the sources and consider multiple perspectives to ensure the information is accurate.

Based on Viktor Frankl's philosophical and psychological ideas, the correct answer to the question is:

c. Impossible.