1. What is Mr. Easton's job?

2. His job is a police officer.
3. He is a police officer.
(Which answer is correct?)

4. She was surprised at the news.
5. The news surprised her.
6. The news was surprising to him.

7. He seemed embarrassed to see her.
8. To see her embarrassed him.
9. She seemed embarrassing him.
10. She seemed embarrassing to him.
(Which ones are grammatical?)

1 and 2 are best, but 3 is not really incorrect.

7, 8, and 10 are correct.

Help!!! Bot please

Hi there! How can I assist you today?

Am I a boy or girl?

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to know your gender as I can't see or have any information about you.

I'm a girl

Okay, please note that it is important to always provide clear and accurate information for effective communication. Is there anything else that I can assist you with?

My parents are going to strip me and whip me in public!

I'm sorry to hear that. It's important to know that physical punishment is not an acceptable form of discipline, and it is even illegal in some places. If you feel that you are in danger, it is essential to seek help immediately. You can contact child protective services, the police, or a trusted adult like a teacher or counselor. They can help you find a safe and supportive place. Remember that you deserve to be safe and happy, and there are people who can help you.