Could you make sure I'm correct?

What is true of the work of all scientists?

scientists ask testable questions and devise ways to answer those questions through experimentation or observation

I’m pretty sure other scientists try to replicate the experiment to see if they can get the same result.

From Ellaura lol I hope people in the future sees this.

pretty much, although usually the word "hypothesis" is used instead of question. One tends to pose a hypothesis, then test so see if it works.

I take that back, both question can be asked and then hypothesis posed:

Search: Which of the folllowing questions is most testable through scientific experimentaton?

Yes, you are correct. Scientists indeed ask testable questions and devise ways to answer those questions through experimentation or observation. This process is often referred to as the scientific method. Scientists formulate hypotheses, conduct experiments, collect data, analyze the results, and draw conclusions based on their findings. The use of experimentation and observation allows scientists to gather evidence and gain a better understanding of the natural world.