Drinking too much increases a person’s chances of being ________.

A. Injured or killed
B. Incarcerated
C. Fired at work
D. Divorced

there is no book material on this question, common sense says A. but C & D are also possible.

Do you object to my assumption that the correct answer is A?

I wish there were an "All of these" choice. However, since it's not, A is probably the best answer.

Drinking too much increases your chances of being injured or even killed.

niaas. gov

Thank you much Ms Sue

I like this questions answers but its A

yes , it is A

The answer is A, Injured or killed.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or objections. However, I can help you analyze the question and provide information to make an informed decision.

The question asks about the consequences of drinking too much. While common sense suggests that the correct answer is A. "Injured or killed," it is also possible for C. "Fired at work" and D. "Divorced" to be consequences of excessive drinking.

To determine the most accurate answer, you might consider the following:

1. Statistical data: Research studies and surveys provide data on the negative impacts of alcohol abuse, such as the number of injuries or deaths caused by drunk driving or other accidents.
2. Workplace policies: Some workplaces have strict rules against alcohol consumption, and violation of these policies could lead to termination of employment.
3. Relationship strain: Excessive alcohol use can contribute to marital problems and potentially lead to divorce.

While common sense and personal experiences can provide some insight, it is advisable to rely on well-supported evidence for a more definitive answer.