can you write a psedo code to enter daily rainfall values. for the month of april. into an aray and to output maximum ,minimum,and average rainfall values for the month

Sure! Here's a pseudocode example to enter daily rainfall values for the month of April into an array, and calculate the maximum, minimum, and average rainfall values.

1. Initialize an array called "rainfall" with 30 elements (for the 30 days in April)
2. Initialize variables "maxRainfall", "minRainfall", and "sumRainfall" to 0
3. For each day in April:
a. Prompt the user to enter the rainfall value for that day
b. Read the input and store it in the "rainfall" array at the corresponding index
c. Update "maxRainfall" if the entered value is greater than the current maximum
d. Update "minRainfall" if the entered value is smaller than the current minimum
e. Add the entered value to "sumRainfall" to calculate the total rainfall
4. Calculate the average rainfall:
a. Divide "sumRainfall" by the number of days in April (30 in this case)
b. Store the result in a variable called "avgRainfall"
5. Output the maximum, minimum, and average rainfall values for April:
a. Print "Maximum rainfall: " + "maxRainfall"
b. Print "Minimum rainfall: " + "minRainfall"
c. Print "Average rainfall: " + "avgRainfall"
This pseudocode outlines the general steps to input the rainfall values, calculate the maximum, minimum, and average, and output the results. You can implement this in a programming language of your choice by converting the pseudocode into the syntax of that language.