Which of the following is less likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing>

A. to call people to action
B. to entertain readers with a funny story*******
C. to recount the events of a historical date

I think it is B....can you confirm?

I disagree.

they changed the answers so now the correct answer is; to explain a topic in a factual, logical, and staightforward manner

Yes, you are correct. Descriptive writing is typically not meant to entertain readers with a funny story. It is primarily focused on providing vivid details and sensory information to create a clear and vivid picture in the reader's mind. The purpose of descriptive writing can vary, but it is less likely to be solely for entertaining readers with a funny story.

To determine which of the options is less likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing, we need to consider the nature of descriptive writing and the typical goals it aims to achieve. Descriptive writing is generally focused on providing detailed descriptions and sensory information about a person, place, event, or object. It aims to create a vivid image and evoke emotions in the reader's mind.

Option A suggests that the purpose of descriptive writing is to call people to action. While descriptive writing can certainly be persuasive and evoke emotions, its primary focus is on providing detailed descriptions, rather than directly calling for action.

Option B suggests that the purpose of descriptive writing is to entertain readers with a funny story. This option is less likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing because the primary goal of descriptive writing is not necessarily to entertain through humor or funny anecdotes. It is more focused on providing sensory details and creating vivid mental images.

Option C suggests that the purpose of descriptive writing is to recount the events of a historical date. This option is more likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing because describing historical events requires providing detailed descriptions, setting the scene, and presenting factual information in an engaging manner.

Therefore, based on the explanation above, your initial intuition is correct. Option B (to entertain readers with a funny story) is less likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing.