A bell rings every 2 seconds, and a bird chirps every 3 seconds. If the ring ant the chirp occur together right now, they will occur together in

A. 40 seconds
B. 41 seconds
C. 42 seconds
D. 43 seconds

Something wrong with your problem

As you stated it, they will occur together in 6 seconds

A bell rings every 2 seconds, and a bird chirps every 3 seconds. If the ring and the chirp occur together right now, they will occur together in

A. 40 seconds
B. 41 seconds
C. 42 seconds
D. 43 seconds


The bell will ring at
0:00 , 0:02 , 0:04 , 0:06 , 0:08, ...
The bird will chirp at
0:00 , 0:03 : 0: 06 < 0:09 , ...

Can you not see that your choices of answers make no sense ?
I don't know of any way to make it more obvious.

42 seconds since 42 is a multiple of 2 and 3

To find out when the bell and bird chirp will occur together again, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 2 seconds and 3 seconds.

The LCM is the smallest multiple that both 2 and 3 share. In this case, the LCM is 6 seconds.

The bell rings every 2 seconds, so it will ring at the following multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, ...

The bird chirps every 3 seconds, so it will chirp at the following multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, ...

The first time they occur together is at 6 seconds, and they will occur together at every multiple of 6 seconds after that.

Now, we need to find out when they will occur together right now. We know that they have already occurred together at least once, so we need to find the next multiple of 6.

The next multiple of 6 after 6 seconds is 12 seconds. Therefore, the bell and bird chirp will occur together again in 12 seconds.

So, the answer is B. 41 seconds.