I think its A,B and D.

Which sentences use a time-related term correctly?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Confucius was teaching in China in B.C. 500.

The Roman Empire fell to Germanic Tribes in A.D. 476.

The Black Death began in Europe in 1347 C.E.

Homer composed the Iliad and Odyssey in about B.C.E. 750.

B and C are correct.

The only initials that go before the number is A.D.

All others -- B.C., C.E., and B.C.E. are placed after the number.

thank u for the imformation


"Traditionally, English followed Latin usage by placing the "AD" abbreviation before the year number.[6] Since BC is not derived from Latin it is placed after the year number (for example: AD 2014, but 68 BC)."


And --


To determine which sentences use a time-related term correctly, we need to understand the correct usage of time-related terms.

A. Confucius was teaching in China in B.C. 500.
This sentence correctly uses the term "B.C." to indicate a time period before the common era.

B. The Roman Empire fell to Germanic Tribes in A.D. 476.
This sentence correctly uses the term "A.D." to indicate a time period after the birth of Christ.

C. The Black Death began in Europe in 1347 C.E.
This sentence correctly uses the term "C.E." (short for Common Era) to indicate a time period after the birth of Christ.

D. Homer composed the Iliad and Odyssey in about B.C.E. 750.
This sentence correctly uses the term "B.C.E." (short for Before the Common Era) to indicate a time period before the common era.

Based on the correct usage of time-related terms, it appears that sentences A, B, and D are all using a time-related term correctly. Therefore, your initial statement that sentences A, B, and D are correct is accurate.


im confused...there all wrong?