Can i have formula of calculating area

of what ?

circle pi r^2
square s^2
rectangle L w

integral of dy dx ?

Area of Parallelogram

Google is a great help.

base times height. It is the same as a rectangle with a triangle taken off one end and tacked to the other end. Draw it.

Yes, I can provide you with the formula for calculating the area of certain shapes. However, it's important to note that the formula varies depending on the shape you are working with. Here are some common area formulas:

1. Rectangle: Area = Length × Width
To calculate the area of a rectangle, simply multiply the length of one of its sides (typically denoted as "L") by the width (typically denoted as "W").

2. Square: Area = Side Length × Side Length
To find the area of a square, you need to multiply the length of one of its sides (denoted as "S") by itself.

3. Triangle: Area = 0.5 × Base Length × Height
For a triangle, you'll need to know the length of its base (denoted as "B") and the height (denoted as "H"). Multiply half of the base length by the height to find the area.

4. Circle: Area = π × Radius × Radius (or πr²)
The area of a circle can be calculated by multiplying the value of pi (approximately 3.14) by the radius (denoted as "r") squared.

5. Trapezoid: Area = 0.5 × (Base1 + Base2) × Height
For a trapezoid, you'll need to know the lengths of both bases (Base1 and Base2) and the height (H). Add the two bases together, multiply by half, and then multiply the result by the height.

These are just a few examples, but there are formulas for many other shapes as well. Remember to use the appropriate formula for the shape you are working with, and ensure that you have the necessary measurements.