In mr.kingmans math class four fifths of the stundents earned an a on their math exam.the rest of the class earned a b .what percent of the class earned an a ? WhAt percent of the class earned a b

100 * (4/5) = 400/5 = 80%

100 - 80 = 20%

To find the percentage of students who earned an A and the percentage who earned a B, we need to know the total number of students in the class.

Let's say there are N students in Mr. Kingman's math class.

From the given information, we know that 4/5 of the students earned an A, which means (4/5)N students got an A.

To find the percentage of students who earned an A, we'll use the formula:
Percentage of students who earned an A = [(Number of students who earned an A) / (Total number of students)] * 100%

So, the percentage of students who earned an A is:
[(4/5)N / N] * 100%
Simplifying, we get: 4/5 * 100% = 80%.

Therefore, 80% of the class earned an A.

Now, to find the percentage of the class who earned a B, we need to subtract the percentage who earned an A from 100%. This is because the remaining students who didn't earn an A must have earned a B.

Percentage of students who earned a B = 100% - Percentage of students who earned an A
Percentage of students who earned a B = 100% - 80% = 20%.

So, 20% of the class earned a B.