Identify the three major periods, and the two major eras in the history of American Education.

I searched the information along with the website, and my reading in Chapter 5 of Introduction To the Teaching Technology, found the years 1642-1776 showed how important institutions for colonial society, Town schools that were locally controlled. Am I on the right track, please help.

Yes, you're on the right track.

I think you mean that those years showed how important EDUCATIONAL institutions were for colonial society.

Yes, you are on the right track. The history of American education can be divided into three major periods: the Colonial Period, the Early National Period, and the Progressive Era. Additionally, there are two major eras: the Common School Era and the Progressive Era.

1. Colonial Period (1642-1776): During this period, education in the American colonies was primarily focused on religious instruction. The town schools you mentioned were an important part of the educational system during this time. These schools were typically locally controlled and provided a basic level of education to children.

2. Early National Period (1776-1840): This period began with the American Revolution and continued into the mid-19th century. The establishment of the United States as a new nation brought about changes in education. Religious influence on education decreased, and the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced the development of educational systems.

3. Progressive Era (late 19th century to the early 20th century): The Progressive Era was characterized by a focus on social reform and educational advancements. This period saw the rise of new educational philosophies, such as John Dewey's progressive education, which emphasized experiential learning and the development of critical thinking skills.

Major Eras:
1. Common School Era (mid-19th century): The Common School Era was a time of significant educational reform. Horace Mann and others advocated for the establishment of free, universal, and locally controlled public schools. The goal was to provide a common education to all children, regardless of social class or background.

2. Progressive Era (late 19th century to early 20th century): As mentioned earlier, the Progressive Era was also a major era in American education. It saw the implementation of progressive educational practices and the promotion of social reform through education.

By identifying these three major periods and two major eras, you have a good understanding of the different phases in the history of American education. Well done on your research and reading!