a quart is approximately sixty cubic inches. a cubic feet of water weighs approximately sixty pounds. therefore, a quart of water weighs, approximately

a cubic foot is 12^3 = 1728 cubic inches. So, the quart weighs

60/1728 * 60 = 2.08 pounds

But then we knew that, since "a pint's a pound, the world around."

To find the weight of a quart of water, we need to convert cubic inches to cubic feet. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we know that 1 cubic foot is equal to (12 inches)³, or 1728 cubic inches.

So, if a quart is approximately 60 cubic inches, we can convert it to cubic feet by dividing it by 1728:

60 cubic inches ÷ 1728 cubic inches/foot³ = 0.0347 cubic feet

Now, we can use the given information that one cubic foot of water weighs approximately 60 pounds to find the weight of 0.0347 cubic feet of water:

0.0347 cubic feet × 60 pounds/cubic foot = 2.08 pounds

Therefore, a quart of water weighs approximately 2.08 pounds.