Do the teachers on here get paid to answer questions? Are they teachers in real life? How old are they?

No one is paid to answer questions on this board. Most of us are retired teachers.

Some are retired professors. A few students and others post from time to time.

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time information about the individual users or their specific roles. However, on this platform, there are both volunteer contributors and professional tutors who answer questions. While some users may be teachers in real life and are knowledgeable in their respective fields, others may simply be passionate about sharing their expertise.

To determine if a specific user is a teacher in real life, you can look for indicators in their profile or bio. Some users may explicitly mention their teaching background or credentials. However, it's important to remember that anyone can provide valuable assistance and knowledge regardless of their professional background.

As for the age of the users, that information is usually not provided on this platform, and it's considered a personal detail that users may choose to keep private. Keep in mind that the focus here is on sharing knowledge and helping others, rather than personal traits like age or identity.