What is the force applied in the direction of the wire at a point attached to the patient in a traction system, if the mass applied is equal to 5kg?

Assuming the mass of 5kg is suspended freely, i.e. under influence of gravity, then the force (tension) on the wire is equal to 5g, where g=acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s².

sd 40 jbds

To determine the force applied in the direction of the wire in a traction system, we first need to know the acceleration due to gravity and the angle at which the wire is inclined.

Let's assume that the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s². Additionally, we need to know the angle at which the wire is inclined to calculate the force along the wire.

Please provide the angle at which the wire is inclined, and I can help you calculate the force.