In the race for student body government, both students were coequal. Their speeches each pointed to their records of service and academic excellence.

Which of the following options is the meaning of "coequal" as used in the sentence above?

A. The students gave speeches that were the same length.

B. The students shared the same opinion on the issues.

C. The students were running for the same office.

D. The students had similar accomplishments

I think A

The answer is

D. The students had similar accomplishments


hmmmm .....

each pointed to their records of service and academic excellence.

Am confused can you help me with this answer?

To determine the meaning of "coequal" in the given sentence, we can break down the context. The sentence states that both students were "coequal" in the race for student body government. The following sentences mention their speeches pointing to their records of service and academic excellence. From this, we can infer that "coequal" means the students had similar qualifications and accomplishments, making them equal in terms of their credentials. Therefore, option D, "The students had similar accomplishments," is the correct answer.