Which of the following sentences is an example of second person narrative voice?

A. You became lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions.

B. It was a labyrinth of lies and deceptions in which she was lost.

C. He was lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions.

D. I became lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions

I think A


I am the first person
You are the second person



You're correct! Sentence A, "You became lost in a labyrinth of lies and deceptions," is an example of second person narrative voice.

To determine this, it's helpful to understand the different narrative voices. In literature, there are three main narrative voices: first person, second person, and third person.

First person narrative uses pronouns like "I" and "we" to tell the story from the perspective of one of the characters. Third person narrative uses pronouns like "he," "she," and "they" to tell the story from an outsider's perspective.

Second person narrative is less common and directly addresses the reader or a specific character as "you." This creates a sense of involvement and personalization. In sentence A, the use of the pronoun "you" directly engages the reader, making it an example of second person narrative voice.