What was the impact of technology on the Pickett's Charge?

The only thing I found was how a lack of technology was disastrous. The Confederate troops marched shoulder to shoulder across a field. Since the Union had cannons, the Southerners were mowed down, their bayonets of no use to defend themselves.

All I see in my book is "Confederate cannons began the heaviest artillery barrage of the war" and confederates formed in a line a mile long and three rows deep. Hundreds of canister shells rained down on the soldiers, tearing huge gaps in their ranks. Is any of that right you think ?

Yes. I think that's what you need to answer this question.

Thank you ma'am.

You're very welcome.

To determine the impact of technology on Pickett's Charge, we need to understand the historical context and the technology available during the American Civil War. Pickett's Charge was a major infantry assault that took place during the Battle of Gettysburg on July 3, 1863.

During this time, technology played a significant role in shaping military tactics and strategies. Some of the key technological advancements of the Civil War era included rifled muskets, artillery, and defensive fortifications.

1. Rifled Muskets: Prior to the Civil War, smoothbore muskets were commonly used, which had a limited range and accuracy. However, the introduction of rifled muskets greatly improved shooting accuracy and range, making it more difficult for infantry to advance across open ground. Union forces, in particular, possessed more rifled muskets compared to the Confederate troops.

2. Artillery: Both sides heavily relied on artillery during the war. Artillery units were equipped with cannon that had improved range and accuracy. The use of cannons during Pickett's Charge, particularly Union artillery positioned on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge, inflicted devastating casualties on the advancing Confederate troops.

3. Defensive Fortifications: Throughout the Civil War, defensive fortifications became increasingly complex. At Gettysburg, Union forces had fortified their position on Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge, creating a strong defensive line. These fortifications included trenches, earthworks, and obstacles, making it challenging for the Confederate troops to breach the line during Pickett's Charge.

Considering this technological context, the impact of technology on Pickett's Charge can be summarized as follows:

1. Increased Firepower: The availability of rifled muskets and artillery gave defenders a significant advantage, causing high casualties on the attacking Confederate troops during Pickett's Charge.

2. Defensive Advantage: The presence of defensive fortifications made it difficult for the Confederates to break through the Union line, resulting in the failure of Pickett's Charge. The fortifications provided cover and protection for the defenders.

In conclusion, the impact of technology on Pickett's Charge was a decisive factor in the failure of the Confederate assault. The advancements in rifled muskets, artillery, and defensive fortifications greatly favored the defenders, causing heavy casualties and thwarting the attack.