Which of the following will happen if mRNA fails to be translated?

A The cell's nucleus will produce more chromatin.

B. Ribosomes will not be able to create protein.
C. Mitochondria will release ATP.

D. The cell will produce more mRNA

I think it's B

You are correct, the correct answer is B. If mRNA fails to be translated, ribosomes will not be able to create proteins. This is because the process of translation is the conversion of the mRNA sequence into amino acid sequence, which ultimately leads to the production of proteins.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to have a basic understanding of the central dogma of molecular biology, which states that genetic information flows from DNA to mRNA to proteins. Transcription is the process of producing mRNA from DNA, and translation is the process where ribosomes read the mRNA sequence and synthesize the corresponding protein. So, if mRNA fails to be translated, it means that the mRNA sequence is not converted into a protein, resulting in the ribosomes being unable to create protein.

Option A is incorrect because the production of chromatin is not directly related to mRNA translation. Chromatin refers to the complex of DNA and proteins that make up the chromosomes. The production of chromatin is not affected by mRNA translation.

Option C is also incorrect because the release of ATP by mitochondria is a separate process from mRNA translation. Mitochondria are responsible for producing ATP through cellular respiration, but this process is not directly linked to the translation of mRNA.

Option D is incorrect as well because in the scenario mentioned, the failure of mRNA to be translated does not lead to increased production of mRNA. The failure of translation would not trigger the cell to produce more mRNA.

Therefore, the correct answer is B, as ribosomes will not be able to create protein if mRNA fails to be translated.