community health center, a new patient clinic in your town serving only underinsured and uninsured patients, has asked you to help its him department get started. calculated the number of new shelving units needed for medical record filing system based on 8 shelves per unit at 36 inches per shelf. the average record size equals .30 inches, and the center anticipates seeing 4500 patients the first year

To calculate the number of new shelving units needed for the medical record filing system, we need to consider the following information:

1. Average record size: 0.30 inches.
2. Number of shelves per unit: 8.
3. Dimensions of each shelf: 36 inches.

Now, here's how we can calculate the number of new shelving units required:

Step 1: Calculate the total space required for storing all the medical records.
Total space required = Average record size * Number of patients
Total space required = 0.30 inches * 4500 = 1350 inches

Step 2: Calculate the number of shelves required to accommodate the total space.
Number of shelves required = Total space required / Dimensions of each shelf
Number of shelves required = 1350 inches / 36 inches = 37.5 shelves

Step 3: Round up the number of shelves to the nearest whole number.
Since you cannot have a fraction of a shelf, round up the number to the nearest whole number.
Number of shelves required = 38 shelves

Step 4: Calculate the number of shelving units needed.
Divide the number of shelves required by the number of shelves per unit.
Number of shelving units needed = Number of shelves required / Number of shelves per unit
Number of shelving units needed = 38 shelves / 8 shelves per unit = 4.75 units

Step 5: Round up the number of shelving units to the nearest whole number.
Again, since you cannot have a fraction of a shelving unit, round up the number to the nearest whole number.
Number of shelving units needed = 5 units

Therefore, the Community Health Center needs 5 new shelving units for its medical record filing system based on the given parameters.