Due to an increase in the internet security threats, the government wants to apply a price control in this market to encourage more people to become internet security professionals. Assume that a wage control is set at $75,000. Will this increase the number of people entering this labor market? Why or why not? Will this increase the number of people hired? Why or why not?

To determine whether the wage control of $75,000 would increase the number of people entering the internet security labor market, we need to consider the principles of supply and demand.

The wage control aims to encourage more people to become internet security professionals, but whether it will increase the number of people entering the market depends on the current equilibrium salary in the industry.

If the current market rate for internet security professionals is already around or above $75,000, then the wage control might not have a significant impact on increasing the number of people entering the labor market. In this scenario, individuals who are already interested in pursuing a career in internet security are likely to join the market regardless of the wage control.

However, if the current market rate is below $75,000, the wage control could incentivize more individuals to consider becoming internet security professionals. By offering a higher salary, it can attract people who might not have previously considered this career but are now motivated by the higher wages.

Now, let's examine whether this wage control would increase the number of people hired. The number of people hired in the labor market depends on both the number of individuals entering the market and the demand for internet security professionals.

If the wage control attracts more individuals to enter the market, it means there will be an increased supply of labor. However, whether this leads to an increase in the number of people hired depends on the existing demand for internet security professionals.

If there is a high demand for internet security professionals, then the increased supply due to the wage control might result in more people being hired. This is because companies would need to hire additional professionals to meet the increased demand for cybersecurity services.

However, if the demand for internet security professionals is low, the increased supply resulting from the wage control might not necessarily lead to more people being hired. Companies may not require additional professionals if the demand remains relatively stagnant.

In summary, whether the wage control of $75,000 will increase the number of people entering the internet security labor market depends on the current equilibrium salary. It may attract more individuals if the current market rate is lower than $75,000. As for the number of people hired, it depends both on the increased supply and the demand for internet security professionals in the industry.