write in decimal form 2.158x10^9

To write 2.158 × 10^9 in decimal form, we move the decimal point nine places to the right, since the exponent is positive.

Therefore, 2.158 × 10^9 in decimal form is 2,158,000,000.

To write 2.158 x 10^9 in decimal form, you need to multiply the coefficient (2.158) by the power of 10 (10^9).

When you multiply a number by 10 raised to a power, you move the decimal point to the right by as many places as the power. In this case, the power is 9, so you move the decimal point 9 places to the right.

Starting with 2.158, you move the decimal point 9 places to the right:

2.158 x 10^9 = 2,158,000,000

Therefore, in decimal form, 2.158 x 10^9 is equal to 2,158,000,000.

just list the digits as given, moving the decimal point 9 places to the right, adding zeroes as needed.