As in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown the autobiographical story of Sojourner Truth is written on all of these levels except?

(A). interior narrative
B. exterior commentary
C. social commentary
D. dramatic narrative

I'm not sure about this one.

But I apologize about Truth's feelings about her children. I just read that part of her autobiography -- and you're right! She was pleased to give her master more slaves!

If the answer would be the same for both titles, then A is correct.

dramatic narrative

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the different levels of storytelling in literature:

1. Interior Narrative: This level refers to a story that takes place primarily within the mind of the main character. It typically involves the character's thoughts, memories, and emotions.

2. Exterior Commentary: This level involves the author providing commentary or analysis on the events and characters of the story from an external perspective. It often provides insights, explanations, or judgments.

3. Social Commentary: This level involves the exploration of broader societal issues or critiques. The story may address themes, ideas, or problems present in the society it depicts or comment on real-world issues.

4. Dramatic Narrative: This level refers to a story that is primarily focused on action and dialogue, typically with a conflict or tension driving the plot. It is often characterized by its dramatic structure and events.

Now, let's analyze the options:

(A). Interior Narrative: This option suggests that the story of Sojourner Truth is written primarily from her internal perspective, exploring her thoughts, emotions, and memories. This could be a possibility.

B. Exterior Commentary: This option implies that the story includes the author's external commentary or analysis on Sojourner Truth's experiences. This is also a possibility.

C. Social Commentary: This option implies that the story of Sojourner Truth explores broader societal issues or critiques. Given the historical and social significance of Sojourner Truth's life, it is highly likely that the story includes social commentary.

D. Dramatic Narrative: This option suggests that the story primarily focuses on action, dialogue, and conflict. While elements of dramatic narrative may indeed be present, it is unlikely that this is the only level of storytelling in the story of Sojourner Truth.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D. dramatic narrative since the story of Sojourner Truth is likely to be written on all other levels mentioned – interior narrative, exterior commentary, and social commentary.