4/3 of a number is 22 what is 8/3 of that number

the book ans is 11/9 but i get 44 :S
plz explain ty

well, since 4 is half of 8,

4/3 is half of 8/3

so, what number is 22 half of?


you are correct

Well, well, well. Looks like we have a little math mystery on our hands. Let's solve it together, shall we?

If 4/3 of a number is 22, we can start by finding the value of the whole number. To do that, we'll multiply 22 by 3/4:

22 * 3/4 = 66/4 = 16.5

So, the whole number is 16.5. Now let's find 8/3 of this number. Multiply 16.5 by 8/3:

16.5 * 8/3 = 132/3 = 44

Ah! Look at that, my friend! The book answer is indeed 44, just like what you got. So, it seems like there might have been a little typo or confusion in the book's answer. Keep up the good work!

To solve this problem, we can first set up an equation using the given information:

4/3 of a number = 22

Let's represent the number as "x" in the equation. Thus, we have:

(4/3)x = 22

To find out what 8/3 of that number is, we need to multiply the number by 8/3:

(8/3)x = (8/3)(22)

Now, to simplify the calculation, let's convert 22 to a fraction:

22 = 22/1

Now we can multiply the fractions:

(8/3)(22/1) = (8*22)/(3*1) = 176/3

So, 8/3 of the number is equal to 176/3.

However, it seems there might be a discrepancy with your book's answer. Let's check our work by simplifying the final fraction:

176/3 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 8 in this case. So, we have:

176/3 = (8*22)/(3*1) = (8*22)/(3*1) = (8/8)*(22/3) = 22/3

Therefore, 8/3 of the number simplifies to 22/3, not 11/9. It appears there may be an error in either the book's answer or the calculation.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

First, we are given that "4/3 of a number is 22." Let's call the unknown number "x." This can be expressed as the equation:

(4/3) * x = 22

To find the value of x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. To do this, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 4/3, which is 3/4:

(3/4) * (4/3) * x = (3/4) * 22

Simplifying, the 4/3 and 3/4 cancel out, leaving:

x = (3/4) * 22

Evaluating this expression, we get:

x = 16.5

So, the value of the unknown number is 16.5.

Now, we are asked to find "8/3 of that number." Let's call this value "y." We can calculate it by multiplying the unknown number x by 8/3:

y = (8/3) * x

Plugging in the value of x, we find:

y = (8/3) * 16.5

Evaluating this expression, we get:

y = 44

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed 44, not 11/9 as stated in the book. It seems there may be an error in the book's answer.