a guy bought some fish from a farm.during 1st week 1/8 of fish died ,in next 2 weeks 3/5 of the remaining died.what fraction of the original fish died in last three weeks

i need to know the procedure and formula in detail ty

After the first 1/8 died, only 7/8 were left

3/5 of those died, meaning 3/5 * 7/8 of the original number died

1/8 = 5/40
3/5 * 7/8 = 21/40

So, 26/40 = 13/20 of the fish died

Never buy fish from a farm. Farmed fish is yuucky. Good fish comes from the ocean.

lets start with 40 fish
the first week 5 die so we have 35 which is 7/8 of original

after first week 7/8 or 35 remain

then in weeks two and three 3/5* 35 = 21 die so we are left with 35 -21 = 14 fish

so in those first three weeks 26 died
26/40 = 13/20


To find out what fraction of the original fish died in the last three weeks, we need to calculate the fraction of fish that died in each of those weeks individually and then add them up.

Let's start with the first week:
- In the first week, 1/8 of the fish died. This means that there were 7/8 of the original fish left after the first week.

Next, let's look at the next two weeks (weeks 2 and 3):
- In these two weeks, 3/5 of the remaining fish died. So, if we start with 7/8 of the original fish, we need to calculate 3/5 of 7/8.

To calculate this, we multiply the fractions:
(3/5) * (7/8) = (21/40)

Therefore, after the next two weeks, there were (21/40) of the original fish remaining.

To find out what fraction of the original fish died in the last three weeks, we subtract the remaining fish from the original fish:
Original fish - Remaining fish = 1 - (21/40) = (40/40) - (21/40) = (19/40)

So, (19/40) of the original fish died in the last three weeks.