what is the formula of computing the actual number of days?

To compute the actual number of days, you will need to specify the starting and ending dates. The formula to calculate the actual number of days is:

Actual Number of Days = (Ending Date - Starting Date) + 1

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this formula to compute the actual number of days:

1. Identify the starting date and the ending date for the period you want to calculate the number of days.

2. Subtract the starting date from the ending date. The result will give you the difference in days between the two dates.

3. Add 1 to the difference to account for both the starting and ending dates.

4. The final result will be the actual number of days between the starting and ending dates, inclusive.

It's important to note that when using this formula, the starting date should always be subtracted from the ending date. This ensures that you get a positive number that represents the actual number of days.