Some time ago, a U.S. citizen traveling in Canada observed that the price of regular gasoline was 0.771 Canadian dollars per liter. The exchange rate at the time was 1.401 Canadian dollars per one U.S. dollar. Calculate the price of the Canadian gasoline in units of U.S. dollars per gallon. (Just one week before, the traveler had paid $2.249 per gallon in the United States.)

Convert 1 L to gallons.

Convert Canadian $ to U. S. $.

0.771 CD/L x (1 USD/1.401 CD) x (1 L/0.264 gallons) = ? USD/gallon.

To calculate the price of the Canadian gasoline in units of U.S. dollars per gallon, we need to convert the price from Canadian dollars per liter to U.S. dollars per gallon.

Step 1: Convert Canadian dollars per liter to U.S. dollars per liter.
Since the exchange rate is 1.401 Canadian dollars per one U.S. dollar, we can divide the price of Canadian gasoline (0.771 Canadian dollars per liter) by the exchange rate to get the price in U.S. dollars per liter:
0.771 Canadian dollars per liter / 1.401 Canadian dollars per U.S. dollar = 0.55 U.S. dollars per liter

Step 2: Convert U.S. dollars per liter to U.S. dollars per gallon.
There are 3.78541 liters in a gallon, so we can multiply the price in U.S. dollars per liter (0.55 U.S. dollars per liter) by the conversion factor to get the price in U.S. dollars per gallon:
0.55 U.S. dollars per liter * 3.78541 liters per gallon = 2.08 U.S. dollars per gallon

Therefore, the price of the Canadian gasoline in units of U.S. dollars per gallon is approximately $2.08. This means the U.S. citizen traveling in Canada observed a lower price for gasoline compared to the cost in the United States ($2.249 per gallon) during that time.