Why should Anne Frank be taught in middle school instead of high school?

I have that middle school would be better because they can relate to Anne due to age.

I agree.

Also Anne's diary is a good way to introduce middle school students to the Holocaust.

Also, what are three other reasons why it should be taught in middle school rather than high school?

Teaching Anne Frank's diary in middle school is a common practice because it allows students of that age to connect more personally with the content. Here's how to approach this question:

1. Relatability: One reason to teach Anne Frank in middle school is the ability of students to relate to her. Middle school students are typically between the ages of 11 to 14, which is close to Anne's age when she went into hiding and wrote her diary. This similarity in age can help students empathize with Anne's experiences and emotions, making the story more impactful.

2. Emotional development: Middle school is a critical period for emotional development, as students start to explore their identities and develop a sense of empathy. The story of Anne Frank and the Holocaust provides an opportunity for students to engage with themes of resilience, human rights, and challenging social injustices. Teaching it at this stage can help foster compassion, empathy, and critical thinking skills.

3. Historical context: By teaching Anne Frank's diary in middle school, educators can provide students with a foundation for understanding the historical context of World War II and the Holocaust. Introducing these topics early on allows for deeper exploration in later years, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of history.

4. Reading level: Anne Frank's diary is written in a straightforward and accessible language, making it suitable for middle school readers. The content is not overly complex, allowing students to engage with the text and comprehend the emotional depth of Anne's experiences.

However, it's worth mentioning that the decision of when to teach Anne Frank's diary ultimately depends on the curriculum, school policies, and the maturity of the students. Some schools may choose to teach the book in high school to address more complex historical and ethical issues.