The sales goal for your store this week $22,682. The sales goal for your store this week last year was $20,128. Your store has averaged 1775 transactions perweek or the last four weeks. What is the percent change in your sales goal from this week last year to this week this year?

Change = 22,682 - 20,128 = 2554

%Change = (2554/20128)*100% = 12.69% =
12.69% increase.

The sales goal for your store this week is 22,682 the sale goal for your store this week last year's was 20,128 your your store average 1775 transactions per week for the last four weeks what is the percent change in your sales goals from this week last year to this week this year

To calculate the percent change in sales goal from this week last year to this week this year, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the difference between the sales goals of this week last year and this week this year.
Sales goal this week last year = $20,128
Sales goal this week this year = $22,682
Difference = Sales goal this week this year - Sales goal this week last year

Difference = $22,682 - $20,128 = $2,554

Step 2: Calculate the percent change by dividing the difference by the sales goal of last year and multiplying by 100.
Percent Change = (Difference / Sales goal last year) * 100

Percent Change = ($2,554 / $20,128) * 100

Percent Change ≈ 12.68%

Therefore, the percent change in sales goal from this week last year to this week this year is approximately 12.68%.