Words to choose from: benign,blase,comprise,condescend,facade,glib,haughty,libel,pseudonym,and redundant

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so______(haughty) that he would rarely_____(glib)to speak to the other cashier.
One author was accused of___(libel)when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a ____(pseudonym)so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.
At first Joanne thought Barry was too_____,(condescend) that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his east matter reflected a friendly and____(benign)nature.
The scenery crew for the summer theatre ___(e)d(comprise) three artists and a set designer.They created an intricate____(facade)of a medieval castle,complete with a carved door,a drawbridge, and a moat.
The writing teacher had become____(blase)from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so____(redundant)that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

Wrong: glib, condescend

The rest are correct.

To find the answers to these questions, you need to understand the definitions of the words provided and use context clues within the sentences.

1. Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so___ (haughty) that he would rarely___ (glib) to speak to the other cashier.

To answer the first question, you need to choose the correct words to complete the sentence. The first blank should be filled with a word that means arrogant or disdainful, and the second blank should be filled with a word that means to speak insincerely or flippantly. Looking at the provided words, "haughty" fits the definition of someone who believes they are superior to others. "Glib" describes someone who speaks insincerely or superficially. Therefore, the completed sentence is: "Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so haughty that he would rarely glib to speak to the other cashier."

2. One author was accused of___ (libel) when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a ___ (pseudonym) so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.

To answer the second question, you need to choose the correct words to complete the sentence. The first blank should be filled with a term that describes publishing false and damaging information about someone, and the second blank should be filled with a word that means a false or assumed name. "Libel" is the act of publishing false and damaging information about someone. "Pseudonym" is a false or assumed name used by an author. Therefore, the completed sentence is: "One author was accused of libel when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a pseudonym so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt."

3. At first Joanne thought Barry was too___ (condescending) that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his easy manner reflected a friendly and___ (benign) nature.

To answer the third question, you need to choose the correct words to complete the sentence. The first blank should be filled with a word that describes someone who displays a superior attitude and treats others as if they are inferior, and the second blank should be filled with a word that means kind or gentle. "Condescending" describes someone who displays a superior attitude and treats others as if they are inferior. "Benign" means kind or gentle. Therefore, the completed sentence is: "At first Joanne thought Barry was too condescending that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his easy manner reflected a friendly and benign nature."

4. The scenery crew for the summer theatre ___ (comprised) three artists and a set designer. They created an intricate___ (facade) of a medieval castle, complete with a carved door, a drawbridge, and a moat.

To answer the fourth question, you need to choose the correct words to complete the sentence. The first blank should be filled with a word that means consisted of or included, and the second blank should be filled with a word that means the front exterior or appearance of something. "Comprised" means consisted of or included. "Facade" means the front exterior or appearance of something. Therefore, the completed sentence is: "The scenery crew for the summer theatre comprised three artists and a set designer. They created an intricate facade of a medieval castle, complete with a carved door, a drawbridge, and a moat."

The writing teacher had become___ (blasé) from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so___ (redundant) that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

To answer the fifth question, you need to choose the correct words to complete the sentence. The first blank should be filled with a term that describes someone who is uninterested or bored due to overexposure, and the second blank should be filled with a word that means unnecessary repetition. "Blasé" describes someone who is uninterested or bored due to overexposure. "Redundant" means unnecessary repetition. Therefore, the completed sentence is: "The writing teacher had become blasé from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so redundant that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words."