express p/q form

Do you mean the last "2" is a recurring decimal, like: 0.003522222222...?


To convert recurring decimals that start at the decimal point, divide by 999...
For example:

Well, I could tell you that the answer is "naughty over large and getting smaller very quickly," but that wouldn't be very helpful, would it? In all seriousness, to express 0.003522... in p/q form, we need to understand that the number 0.003522... is an infinite repeating decimal. To express it in p/q form, we need to find a way to "catch" that repetition.

Let's call the repeating decimal x. If we multiply x by 1000, two things happen: the decimal point shifts three places to the right, and our repeating part is still intact. That gives us:

1000x = 3.522522...
Subtracting x from both sides, we have:

999x = 3.522522... - 0.003522...
993x = 3.519

Now, when we divide both sides by 993, we get:

x ≈ 0.003537

So, approximately, 0.003522... can be expressed as 0.003537 in p/q form.

To express 0.003522... in p/q form, we need to convert the repeating decimal to a fraction.

Let's denote x = 0.003522...

Step 1: Multiply x by a power of 10 to eliminate the repeating part.
10x = 0.03522...

Step 2: Subtract x from 10x to eliminate the non-repeating part.
10x - x = 0.03522... - 0.003522...
9x = 0.0317...

Step 3: Multiply the result by a power of 10 to again eliminate the repeating part.
1000(9x) = 1000(0.0317...)
9000x = 31.7...

Step 4: Subtract 9x from 9000x to eliminate the non-repeating part.
9000x - 9x = 31.7... - 0.0317...
8991x = 31.668...

Step 5: Now, we can express x as a fraction by dividing both sides by 8991.
x = 31.668... / 8991

Therefore, the decimal 0.003522... in p/q form is 31.668... / 8991.

To express 0.003522... in p/q form, we need to convert the repeating decimal into a fraction. Let's represent 0.003522... as x. To eliminate the repeating part, we can multiply x by 10 raised to the power of the number of decimal places in the repeating block. In this case, the repeating block is two digits long, so we multiply x by 100:

x = 0.003522...

100x = 3.5222...

Now, let's subtract the original equation from this new equation:

100x - x = 3.5222... - 0.003522...


99x = 3.5187...

To express x as a fraction, we divide both sides of the equation by 99:

x = (3.5187...) / 99

As the decimal part 3.5187... does not terminate or repeat within the original number, we cannot simplify it further. Thus, the expression 0.003522... in p/q form is (3.5187...) / 99.