The time signature is 4/4 and so how can I figure out the value of an eighth note? Sixteenth note?

In 4/4/ time, a quarter note gets one beat. Since 2/8 equals 1/4, two eighth notes get one beat. Four sixteenth notes get one beat.

To figure out the value of a note in a specific time signature, you need to understand how the time signature works and the relationship between the numerator and the denominator.

In a time signature like 4/4, the numerator (top number) tells you how many beats are in a measure, while the denominator (bottom number) indicates the type of note that receives one beat. For example, in 4/4, there are 4 beats in a measure, and the quarter note (denominator value) receives one beat.

Knowing this, you can determine the value of other note durations relative to the quarter note:

- Eighth Note: In 4/4 time, an eighth note is half the duration of a quarter note. Since a quarter note receives one beat, an eighth note would be equal to half a beat.

- Sixteenth Note: An eighth note is twice the duration of a sixteenth note. Therefore, in 4/4 time, a sixteenth note would be one-fourth the duration of a beat. Since a quarter note receives one beat, a sixteenth note would be equal to one-fourth of a beat.

So, to summarize:

- In 4/4 time, an eighth note is worth half a beat.
- In 4/4 time, a sixteenth note is worth one-fourth of a beat.