Which one of the following terms best describes the periods of the 1920s?

A. Proper
B. Rebellious
C. Moral
D. Symbolic

I think it's B, but I'm not sure.

I agree.

To determine the best term to describe the periods of the 1920s, let's consider each option and eliminate those that are less suitable.

Option A: "Proper" implies a period characterized by strict adherence to social norms and traditions. However, the 1920s were known for significant social and cultural shifts that challenged traditional values, so this option may not be the best fit.

Option B: "Rebellious" suggests a period marked by defiance and nonconformity. This term is often associated with the 1920s, which saw the rise of the Roaring Twenties, Jazz Age, and the flapper subculture. These developments reflected a departure from conservative beliefs and practices, making this option a likely choice.

Option C: "Moral" indicates a period characterized by adherence to ethical principles and high standards of behavior. While the term moral can be subjective and open to interpretation, the 1920s are often remembered as a time of loosened moral constraints, with increased indulgence in activities like dancing, drinking, and partying. Therefore, option C seems less appropriate.

Option D: "Symbolic" is a relatively vague term that can have multiple meanings. Without further context, it is challenging to determine how it precisely applies to the 1920s, making it less likely to be the best answer.

Based on the information provided, option B, "Rebellious," appears to be the most suitable term to describe the periods of the 1920s. However, it's important to note that historical eras can be complex and multifaceted, so there may be additional terms that could also be appropriate.