Hi i need to write about 3 more paragraphs about: Compare different ways that Shakespeare describes dreams in the three extracts (Puck's final speech, Clarence's Dream & Caliban's Dream) using PEE i have done 4 if anyone gives me at least 2 more that would be brilliant please help.


Me Thought I heard a voice cry....

Plz help i need full paragraphs plz help


I saw your additions to yesterday's post. Please understand that no one will give you any paragraphs.

But if you post what you have written already, someone here will be able to check your work for you.

I can't think of anything else if you give me an evidence then i can make my own points and explanation

What points have you already made?

Sure! I can help you with that. To compare the different ways that Shakespeare describes dreams in the three extracts, you can use the PEE (Point, Evidence, Explanation) strategy. Here are two more paragraphs to add to your essay:

Paragraph 1:
In Puck's final speech in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," dreams are described as a realm of enchantment and mischief. Puck, a mischievous sprite, speaks about the magical powers of dreams, stating that they can "beguile" people and lead them to engage in foolish and irrational behavior. For example, he mentions how dreams can inspire "lusty thoughts" and cause lovers to fall in and out of affection. This description of dreams emphasizes their unpredictable and whimsical nature, highlighting their ability to disrupt the rational world and introduce chaos. Shakespeare uses vivid language and imagery in Puck's speech to convey the fantastical and unpredictable quality of dreams.

Paragraph 2:
In "Clarence's Dream" from Shakespeare's play "Richard III," dreams are depicted as haunting and foreboding. In this extract, the character Clarence recounts a terrifying dream he had while imprisoned in the Tower of London. He describes seeing ominous omens and nightmarish figures in his sleep, such as "grim-visaged war" and the "headless" bodies of his deceased enemies. These unsettling images suggest that dreams can reflect and magnify an individual's inner fears and anxieties. Shakespeare's use of vivid imagery and dark symbolism in Clarence's dream conveys the intimidating and distressing aspects of dreams, highlighting their potential to be a source of inner turmoil and reflection.

Remember, when using the PEE strategy, make sure to clearly state your point (P), provide evidence (E) from the text to support your point, and then explain (E) how the evidence relates to your point and the overall theme or purpose of the extract.

I hope this helps!