Traveling in France, Miguel exchanged 12 U.S. dollars for 82.8 francs. A few days later, he exchanged 25 U.S. dollars for francs and got the same exchange rate. How many francs did Miguel receive? Round to the nearest tenth.

$1 = 82.8/12 francs

so he has 12 + 25 or $37
$37 = 37(82.8/12) francs = appr 255.3 francs

Time to update that ancient texbook your school is using.
France has been using the Euro since 1999

To find out how many francs Miguel received, we can use the exchange rate he received for the first exchange.

First, let's calculate the exchange rate:
Exchange rate = francs exchanged / U.S. dollars exchanged

We know that Miguel exchanged 12 U.S. dollars for 82.8 francs:
Exchange rate = 82.8 francs / 12 U.S. dollars
Exchange rate = 6.9 francs per U.S. dollar

Now, let's calculate how many francs Miguel received for the second exchange.
We know that Miguel exchanged 25 U.S. dollars this time:
Francs received = Exchange rate * U.S. dollars exchanged
Francs received = 6.9 francs per U.S. dollar * 25 U.S. dollars
Francs received = 172.5 francs

Therefore, Miguel received 172.5 francs.

To solve this problem, we need to find out how many francs Miguel received when he exchanged 25 U.S. dollars.

First, let's calculate the exchange rate that Miguel received initially when he exchanged 12 U.S. dollars for 82.8 francs. We can divide the number of francs by the number of dollars:

Exchange rate = 82.8 francs / 12 dollars = 6.9 francs per dollar

Since Miguel received the same exchange rate a few days later, we can use this exchange rate to find out how many francs he received when he exchanged 25 U.S. dollars:

Francs received = 25 dollars × 6.9 francs per dollar = 172.5 francs

Therefore, Miguel received 172.5 francs when he exchanged 25 U.S. dollars. (Rounded to the nearest tenth.)

Please note that exchange rates can vary, so this explanation assumes a constant exchange rate.