1. Which of the following is NOT helpful to a judge in determining potential risk?

A. The PSI


C. A risk and needs assessment

D. The LSI-R

is it A

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about drug courts?
A. They are a form of diversion.

B. Each court differs in its approach.

C. They serve only juveniles.

D. They have been deemed successfu

is it C

To determine the correct answer to these questions, we can go through each option and assess their relevance to the judge's determination of potential risk in question 1 and the characteristics of drug courts in question 2.

Question 1 asks which option is NOT helpful to a judge in determining potential risk. Let's analyze each option:

A. The PSI: The PSI (Pre-Sentence Investigation) report provides a comprehensive assessment of the defendant's background, offense, and potential risk factors. It is typically prepared by probation officers. Since it provides valuable information related to potential risk, it is helpful to a judge.

B. STICS: STICS (Static-99R/Tertiary) is a risk assessment tool used to evaluate the likelihood of sexual re-offending. While it may not be directly applicable to every case, it still provides valuable information regarding potential risk.

C. A risk and needs assessment: A risk and needs assessment evaluates an individual's risk factors, such as criminal history, substance abuse, employment, and personal relationships. This assessment helps the judge in determining potential risk and guiding the appropriate intervention or treatment. It is, therefore, helpful to a judge.

D. The LSI-R: The LSI-R (Level of Service Inventory-Revised) is a widely used risk assessment tool that evaluates an individual's risk and need for intervention. Similar to the risk and needs assessment, it assists in determining potential risk and guiding appropriate interventions. Hence, it is helpful to a judge.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer to question 1 is NOT A (The PSI), as all the other options (B, C, and D) are helpful to a judge in determining potential risk.

Moving on to question 2, which asks for the statement that is NOT true about drug courts:

A. They are a form of diversion: Drug courts are indeed a form of diversion, which aims to divert individuals with substance abuse issues away from traditional criminal justice systems towards specialized court programs offering treatment and rehabilitation.

B. Each court differs in its approach: Each drug court operates based on its own specialized model and approach, tailored to the jurisdiction's needs and resources. Therefore, this statement is true.

C. They serve only juveniles: This statement is NOT true. Drug courts serve both juveniles and adults who are dealing with substance abuse issues and are involved in the criminal justice system.

D. They have been deemed successful: Drug courts have been extensively studied and have demonstrated positive outcomes, such as reduced recidivism rates and improved treatment outcomes. Therefore, this statement is true.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer to question 2 is NOT C (They serve only juveniles), as drug courts serve both juveniles and adults.

So, the correct answers are:
1. The answer to question 1 is NOT A.
2. The answer to question 2 is NOT C.