m=(monday tuesday wednesday ...sunday)

It appears that you have provided a list of days of the week, starting with Monday and ending with Sunday. Each day is denoted by a letter, such as "m" for Monday, "t" for Tuesday, and so on.

If you are looking for the position or index of a specific day in this list, you can find it by simply counting the number of days that occur before it. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by assigning a position index of 1 to the first day in the list, which is Monday in this case.
2. Proceed to assign consecutive position indices to the remaining days of the week, using the same order as they appear in the list.

For example, Tuesday would have an index of 2 since it comes right after Monday. Wednesday would have an index of 3, Thursday would have an index of 4, and so on. Finally, Sunday would have an index of 7 since it is the last day in the list.

To summarize, the positions or indices of the days of the week in this list (m) would be as follows:

Monday (m) = 1
Tuesday (t) = 2
Wednesday (w) = 3
Thursday (t) = 4
Friday (f) = 5
Saturday (s) = 6
Sunday (s) = 7