How do u write 6 june 2014 in 5 letters without using numbers

6/6/2014 :)


To represent the date "6 June 2014" in five letters without using numbers, you can use Roman numerals. Here's how:

1. Start with the day ("6"): Write it as "VI" using Roman numerals. The Roman numeral for 5 is "V," and to represent the number 1 before 5, you write "I" (V - I = 5 - 1 = 4, giving you the number 4).
2. Next, represent the month ("June"): Write it as "VI" using Roman numerals. The Roman numeral for 6 is "VI."
3. Finally, represent the year ("2014"): Write it as "MMXIV" using Roman numerals. The Roman numeral for 1000 is "M," and the Roman numeral for 10 is "X." By combining these, you get "MMXIV" (1000 + 1000 + 10 + 4 = 2014).

So, "6 June 2014" can be written in five letters without using numbers as "VIVIVIXIV."