When you do work to lift an object, what form of energy does the object gain

Potential energy gain = m g h where h is the distance lifted

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When you do work to lift an object, the object gains potential energy. Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position or state. In this case, the object gains gravitational potential energy.

To understand this concept, let's consider the following steps to get the answer:

1. Understand the concept of work: Work is defined as the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object, causing it to move in the direction of the force.

2. Define potential energy: Potential energy is the stored energy that an object possesses due to its position in a force field or its condition. In this case, we're dealing with gravitational potential energy.

3. Identify the gravitational force: When you lift an object, you are working against the force of gravity. Gravitational force is the force that attracts objects towards each other due to their masses. It acts vertically downward, pulling objects towards the center of the Earth.

4. Calculate the potential energy gain: The increase in potential energy of an object lifted above the ground can be calculated using the equation:

Potential Energy = mass × acceleration due to gravity × height

Here, mass refers to the object's mass, acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 (on Earth), and height is the vertical distance the object is lifted.

By performing the necessary calculations using the given values, you can determine the potential energy gained by the lifted object.

Therefore, when you do work to lift an object, it gains gravitational potential energy.

Yes yes I’m unbanned I have no idea why I was unbanned in the first place.