draw a picture showing 4 pencils and a number of pens in which the ratio of pencils to pens is 2:3.

2:3 = 4:6, so draw the picture with 4 pencils and 6 pens

To draw a picture showing 4 pencils and a ratio of 2:3 with pens, follow these steps:

1. Draw four pencil shapes evenly spaced apart. These can be simple rectangular shapes with a pointed tip.
2. Label each pencil with the number "4" to represent the four pencils.
3. To determine the number of pens, divide the total number of parts in the ratio (2+3=5) by the denominator (3) of the ratio.
4. Multiply the result by the numerator (2) of the ratio to get the number of pens. In this case, (5 ÷ 3) × 2 = 3.333.
5. Since you can't have a fractional number of pens, round the result to a whole number. In this case, we round down to 3.
6. Draw three pen shapes next to the pencils, ensuring they are spaced out enough to be distinguishable from one another.
7. Label each pen with the number "3" to represent the three pens.

Your final picture will show four pencils labeled "4" and three pens labeled "3", representing a 2:3 ratio of pencils to pens.