Which is equivalent to the expression shown when a > 0 and b > 0?

A. 3a/5
B. -3a/5
C. -3ab/5
D. 3a/5b<---

- (3/5) a

To determine the answer, we need to simplify the given expression. Start by canceling out any common factors in the numerator and denominator:


Both -21a^2b and 35ab have a common factor of 7ab. Canceling them out, we get:

-21a^2b / 35ab = (-3a^2b) / (5)

Finally, dividing -3a^2b by 5, we get:


Therefore, the equivalent expression is -3a^2b/5. Comparing this with the options provided, we can see that the correct answer is:

C. -3ab/5