14. Identify the aspect of style used in the excerpt below.

“Here in the United States, it was worse. She spoke slowly and with a thick accent. Ming sighed and packed up her books. She had a free period next, so she might as well get the interview part completed.”

A. word choice
B. use of imagery
C. use of musical language
D. unusual punctuation and formatting

I don't understand this question?

A word choice I think

Thank You!

You're welcome :)

Well, D is out, but who is to tell if someone hears musical language in this? Who is to tell if imagery is being developed? Word choice is involved in everything we write, so why would word choice be a better answer than B or C?

I saw the same question get answered, and the person said they got is right using the option word choice.

So ... you're helping someone else cheat? No thinking required?

I just answered her question...... Didn't think I would be condemned.....

I don't expect anyone to just give me an answer, but when someone does I do go oer it myself and I ask my sister as well if im really unsure of it.

No worries! Let me break it down for you.

The question is asking you to identify the aspect of style that is being used in the given excerpt. In other words, you need to figure out what specific feature or technique is being employed in the writing.

To determine the answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Word choice: This refers to the specific words and vocabulary used in the writing. It focuses on how the author selects words to convey meaning or create a certain tone or atmosphere.

B. Use of imagery: Imagery involves using descriptive language to create vivid mental images in the reader's mind. It appeals to the senses and helps the reader visualize the scene or situation.

C. Use of musical language: Musical language involves using rhythm, repetition, or other elements of music to create a lyrical or flowing quality in the writing.

D. Unusual punctuation and formatting: This refers to any unconventional or distinctive use of punctuation marks or formatting (such as spacing, indentation, etc.) in the writing.

Now, let's examine the provided excerpt.

In this particular passage, there is no evident use of vivid sensory details or descriptive language that would indicate the use of imagery. Similarly, there is no obvious employment of musical elements like rhythm or repetition.

However, there is one aspect that stands out in this excerpt: the mention of "thick accent." This phrase highlights a specific word choice made by the author to convey the character's distinctive way of speaking, thus demonstrating a focus on word choice.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the correct answer would be A. word choice.