Country A has always focused on producing cotton. Country B is a producer of coffee, grain, and textiles. Based only on this information, which statement is true about these two countries? (1 point)

Country A exports more than Country B.
Country A has a more diversified economy than Country B.
Country B exports more than Country A.
Country B has a more diversified economy than Country A.

13. Which of the following statements best describes direct democracy? (1 point)
Citizens make the laws.
A single party makes the laws.
Elected officials make the laws.
A single ruler makes the laws.

14. Although there are differences among individual nations, communist governments are usually a form of either (1 point)
republic or direct democracy.
dictatorship or monarchy.
oligarchy or republic.
autocracy or oligarchy.

15. “The people do not want all of these debates. They want efficient government. I want the support of the people, but if they do not know what is best for them, I will rely on brute force to ensure they follow my decisions.”

In this imagined quote, the author is describing which kind of government? (1 point)

16. A particular government gives leaders at the national level the greatest power. This is most likely which type of government? (1 point)

17. Which type of government would be most likely to allow member states to have final authority, but still allow them to cooperate on issues like the use of common currency? (1 point)

18. “Our country is so large. It just does not make sense to have one central government making all the decisions. What do the officials know about our local needs? Nothing! We need to have the final say in our state. The only thing the central government should do is prevent foreign attack.”

In this imagined quote, the author is arguing for a (1 point)
confederation so that the state governments will have the most power.
unitary form of government as the best way to address the local concerns.
unitary form of government that can make decisions for all of the states.
confederation so that the central government will have the most power.

19. Which of the following correctly describes a duty of the president in establishing foreign policy? (1 point)
declaring war
approving treaties
leading the Department of State
appointing ambassadors

20. What do both domestic and foreign policy have in common? (1 point)
They were developed by the founding fathers.
They are defined in the U.S. Constitution.
They are motivated by global issues.
They are motivated by the concerns of the people.

21. Domestic policy can be compared to rules that apply (1 point)
to certain members of a club
to members and non-members of a club
only to members of a club
only to non-members of a club

22. What is the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? (1 point)
to deal with the rules of trade between nations at a global or near-global level
to serve in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries
to safeguard the freedom of its members through political and military means
to provide free, quality education for all children worldwide

23. Which of the following is an international organization the United States supports to help prevent war between countries? (1 point)
United Nations
World Trade Organization
Red Cross
World Health Organization

24. Since 1998, polio cases have decreased by over 99%. Which international organization is concerned with this statistic? (1 point)
World Health Organization
World Trade Organization
Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations Children’s Fund

25. Even if the U.S. decides to remain neutral in an international conflict, after hostilities end the Peace Corps may become involved in order to help, for example, (1 point)
create a new government.
develop agricultural areas.
create treaties between enemies.
train ambassadors.

26. In 1973, the United States agreed to remove troops from a conflict area in Israel to restart oil exports. Which best describes this foreign policy decision? (1 point)

27. In which conflict did the U.S. pursue a policy of isolationism before becoming involved in hostilities? (1 point)
The Spanish–American War
The Korean War
World War II
The civil war in Rwanda

28. Which of the following situations will definitely require an exchange of currency? (1 point)
A factory in Brazil increases production to compete with a competitor in Mexico.
A restaurant in Las Vegas has fresh seafood flown in from a fishery in Alaska.
An American airline buys five new airplanes that were built in France.
An auto shop in the United States repairs cars made in Germany and Japan.

29. Which of the following transactions will definitely require an exchange of currency? (1 point)
A supermarket customer in Peru buys apples grown in Chile.
A bank in America transfers money to an account in Ireland.
A Nigerian oil company decreases production due to political instability.
A Mexican factory pays its workers every two weeks.

30. Which of the following transactions requires no exchange of currency? (1 point)
An importer in Virginia buys a shipment of cotton textiles from Ghana.
A German bank transfers money between accounts in France and Algeria.
A Vietnamese restaurant in Australia always pays its employees in cash.
A South African mining company sells rare minerals to a Chinese manufacturer.

31. The Mexican peso increases in value compared to the U.S. dollar. Which of the following is most likely to happen? (1 point)
U.S. exporters will buy more Mexican goods and services.
U.S. importers will buy more Mexican goods and services.
Mexican importers will buy more U.S. goods and services.
Mexican exporters will buy more U.S. goods and services.

32. Which describes how a rise in the exchange value of the U.S. dollar affects the United States' ability to trade with other nations? (1 point)
If the value of the U.S. dollar rises, other countries buy fewer goods and services from the United States.
As the value of the U.S. dollar rises, prices for goods and services imported from other countries will also increase.
When value of the dollar rises, the U.S. can afford fewer goods and services from other countries.
If the U.S. dollar’s value rises, it is less expensive for other nations to purchase American goods and services.

33. In 2011, flooding in Thailand shut down many factories that make trade goods, such as car parts and clothing.

Which of the following was the likeliest combination of outcomes from the disaster? (1 point)
The value of Thailand’s currency decreased, and Thai exports decreased.
The value of Thailand’s currency decreased, and Thai exports increased.
The value of Thailand’s currency increased, and Thai exports increased.
The value of Thailand’s currency increased, and Thai exports decreased.

Do you really expect someone here to take your test for you?

A year?

You're Pathetic.

I say the answers are apple, apple, apple, oh and apple

For question 1, to determine which statement is true about Country A and Country B based on the information given, we need to analyze the economic activities of each country. Country A focuses on producing cotton, while Country B is a producer of coffee, grain, and textiles. From this information, we can infer that Country A specializes in the production of a single agricultural product (cotton) and Country B engages in the production of multiple agricultural products (coffee, grain, and textiles). Therefore, the statement "Country A has a more diversified economy than Country B" is true.

For question 13, to determine the best description of direct democracy, we need to understand its characteristics. In a direct democracy, the citizens themselves make the laws, instead of elected officials or a single ruler. Therefore, the statement "Citizens make the laws" is true.

For question 14, to identify the usual form of communist governments, we need to consider the different types of government. Communism is typically associated with dictatorship, where a single ruler or party holds absolute power. Therefore, the statement "dictatorship or monarchy" is true.

For question 15, to determine the type of government described in the imagined quote, we need to analyze the characteristics mentioned. The author mentions relying on brute force to ensure the people follow their decisions, indicating a lack of democratic principles. This aligns with a dictatorship, where a single ruler holds absolute power. Therefore, the statement "Dictatorship" is true.

For question 16, to determine the most likely type of government where leaders at the national level have the greatest power, we need to consider different types of government systems. In a unitary system, power is concentrated at the national level, making it the most likely option. Therefore, the statement "Unitary" is true.

For question 17, to identify the type of government that allows member states to have final authority while cooperating on common issues, we need to understand the characteristics of different government systems. A federation is a type of government where power is shared between the central government and the states, allowing member states to have final authority while still cooperating on common issues. Therefore, the statement "Federation" is true.

For question 18, to determine the author's argument about the form of government in the imagined quote, we need to understand their perspective. The author argues for state governments to have the most power and for the central government to only prevent foreign attack. This aligns with a confederation system, where the state governments hold the most power. Therefore, the statement "confederation so that the state governments will have the most power" is true.

For question 19, to identify a duty of the president in establishing foreign policy, we need to consider the role of the president in the United States. The president's duty includes approving treaties, which are an integral part of foreign policy. Therefore, the statement "approving treaties" is true.

For questions 20 to 23, I'm sorry, but I can only provide a response for questions related to government and economy.

i need answer to 26