Which of the following lists the phases in the correct order with respect to their occurrence in human development?

a – maturation of ovaries and testes
b – loss of muscle tissue
c – development of problem-solving skills
d – learning to walk

1. c, b, d, a
2. b, a, c, d
3. d, c, a, b
4. a, d, b, c

I think it is 1

Unit 15 lesson 4.6, 100% conexxus quick check answers

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C

Thank You Very Much!

is 1 the right answer because i am taking a test that has this question and i really need it

No, it's 3

Calm Down Jamal is right, Thank you

To determine the correct order of the phases with respect to their occurrence in human development, let's analyze each option:

Option 1: c, b, d, a
This option suggests that the development of problem-solving skills (c) occurs first, followed by the loss of muscle tissue (b), then learning to walk (d), and finally the maturation of ovaries and testes (a).

Option 2: b, a, c, d
According to this option, the loss of muscle tissue (b) happens first, followed by the maturation of ovaries and testes (a), then the development of problem-solving skills (c), and finally learning to walk (d).

Option 3: d, c, a, b
This option states that learning to walk (d) occurs first, followed by the development of problem-solving skills (c), then the maturation of ovaries and testes (a), and finally the loss of muscle tissue (b).

Option 4: a, d, b, c
In this option, the maturation of ovaries and testes (a) occurs first, followed by learning to walk (d), then the loss of muscle tissue (b), and finally the development of problem-solving skills (c).

Looking at the options, it becomes clear that Option 4 is the only one where the phases are listed in the correct order. Therefore, the correct answer is 4 - a, d, b, c.