Charlie must choose a number between and that is a multiple of , , and . Write all the numbers that he could choose. If there is more than one number, separate them with commas

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To find the numbers Charlie could choose, we need to find the common multiples of the given numbers: , , and .

First, let's find the multiples of each number individually:

Multiples of :
1 × =
2 × =
3 × =
4 × =
5 × =

Multiples of :
1 × =
2 × =
3 × =
4 × =
5 × =

Multiples of :
1 × =
2 × =
3 × =
4 × =
5 × =

Now, let's find the common multiples of , , and by looking for the numbers that appear in all three lists:

Common multiples:

From the multiples above, we can see that the common multiples of , , and are:

So, the numbers Charlie could choose as a multiple of , , and are , , and .

Thus, Charlie could choose these numbers: , , and .