Compare and contrast Samuel pepys's style in his diary entries and Jonathan swifts style in Gulliver's travels.

Both John Bunyan and Jonathan swift criticized society. Compare and contrast John Bunyan style in the pilgrims progress and Jonathan swifts style in Gulliver s travels.

The book doesn't have a good explanation. I just have a hard time understanding what they say with the old English language they use. I need help to understand this. Last questions to graduate.

To compare and contrast Samuel Pepys's style in his diary entries and Jonathan Swift's style in "Gulliver's Travels," as well as John Bunyan's style in "The Pilgrim's Progress" and Jonathan Swift's style in "Gulliver's Travels," it is helpful to break down the questions into two parts: (1) the comparison and contrast of the two authors' styles, and (2) how to understand their works despite the use of old English language. Let's address these parts separately:

1. Compare and contrast the styles of Samuel Pepys in his diary entries and Jonathan Swift in "Gulliver's Travels":
To compare the styles of Pepys and Swift, you need to analyze their writing techniques, tone, themes, and literary devices. For example:
- Writing Techniques: Pepys used a straightforward narrative style with detailed descriptions of events, while Swift employed satire and allegory to criticize society.
- Tone: Pepys's tone was personal, introspective, and often candid, reflecting his diary's private nature. Swift's tone varied from ironic and humorous to caustic and critical, reflecting his satirical intentions.
- Themes: Pepys's diary focused on his personal life, including his social and professional endeavors, while Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" satirized aspects of human nature, society, politics, and science.
- Literary Devices: Pepys's writing employed vivid language and anecdotes, while Swift employed irony, exaggeration, wit, and fable-like elements within each of Gulliver's journeys.

2. Understanding the works despite the use of old English language:
To understand the works of Pepys, Bunyan, and Swift, which may use old English language or archaic terms, you can follow these steps:
- Read annotations or footnotes: Many editions of their works include explanations and clarifications for challenging language or unfamiliar terms.
- Utilize a contemporary translation or modern adaptation: Some works, such as "The Pilgrim's Progress," have been modernized in language to aid understanding without altering the overall message or narrative.
- Research historical context and cultural references: Understanding the time period, societal norms, and background of the author will provide insights into the intended meaning and references within the text.
- Seek supplementary resources: Consult literary analyses, textbooks, or online resources that offer explanations, summaries, and interpretations of their works.

By following these steps, you'll be able to compare and contrast the styles of Pepys and Swift, as well as understand their works despite the use of old English language. Good luck with your last questions to graduate!