Which of these reflects a democratic principle?

A. Once appointed, a Roman senator could stay in office for life.

B. Patricians had certain rights that plebeians did not have.

C. Roman citizens gathered to vote at legislative assemblies.

D. Some Roman slaves were freed by their owners.

i say C

it is c

it is c

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The option that reflects a democratic principle is C. Roman citizens gathered to vote at legislative assemblies.

To determine this, we need to understand what a democratic principle is. Democracy is a system of government where the power lies with the people who can participate in decision-making through voting and representation.

Option A, where a Roman senator could stay in office for life once appointed, does not reflect a democratic principle. Democratic systems usually have term limits or regular elections to ensure that power is not concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.

Option B, where certain rights were reserved for patricians but not for plebeians, does not reflect a democratic principle either. Democracy promotes equality and equal rights for all citizens, rather than favoring a specific social class.

Option C, where Roman citizens gathered to vote at legislative assemblies, reflects a democratic principle. In a democratic system, citizens have the right to participate in decision-making through voting in legislative assemblies or elections.

Option D, where some Roman slaves were freed by their owners, does not directly reflect a democratic principle. While the act of freeing slaves may be seen as a step towards equality and individual rights, it does not address the broader democratic principles of participation and decision-making.

Therefore, the option that best reflects a democratic principle is C. Roman citizens gathered to vote at legislative assemblies.

Life tenure is democratic NO !

Important people have special rights in a democracy NO

People vote in a democracy YES

Some slaves freed? What about the rest ? Not the question anyway. Some democracies had slaves (Athens, USA). They may not be proud of it.

Yes. Thank you, Damon.
