14. Read the following lines from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted-nevermore!

Which of the below words best helps create the mood of despair in the poem?

A.) dreaming
B.) chamber*****************************
C.) shadow
D.) nevermore

15. Why might the author use a metaphor to enhance the meaning of fiction or poetry?

A.) to create an image in readers' minds***********************************
B.) to represent a larger thought or idea
C.) to give a story or poem a song-like quality
D.) to help set the mood of the story or poem************************************

Which of the following shows the correct parenthetical citation from page 30 of an article in the July 199 issue of Starburst magazine called "I Robot," written by Melissa J. Perenson?

A.) (I Robot 30)
B.) (Starburst 30)
C.) (Perenson 30)***********************
D.) ("I Robot," Starburst 30)


14.) B
15.) A or D not sure
16.) C


I meant 14, not 15

14 is D

15 is A
16 is C

Nah, 15 is D, Never more, as it adds the sense that death, the ultimate end is lurking, and life is at its end.

I agree with Lazerus, the answer to number 14 is D not B. For example, when you think of the word dreaming there is not a hint of despair that you picture in your mind to that word. When you think of the word chamber, you only think of a bed or bedroom which does not bring despain either. When you think of the word shadow you do not think of the word despair either, better yet you think of fear. When you think of the word nevermore you think of despair because the definition of nevermore is "At no future time;Never again." This can bring thoughts of pain, anger and despair.

ok then I say 14 is c-shadow and 15 is A


Great job on answering question 14 correctly! The word "chamber" helps create a mood of despair in the poem because it represents the speaker's confined and isolated space, adding to the overall sense of gloom and despair.

Now, moving on to question 15. The author might use a metaphor to enhance the meaning of fiction or poetry because it helps create an image in readers' minds. Metaphors allow writers to compare two seemingly unrelated things, which can evoke emotions, create vivid descriptions, and convey abstract concepts in a more tangible and relatable way.

Regarding question 16, the correct answer for the parenthetical citation is C. When citing the article "I Robot" written by Melissa J. Perenson from the Starburst magazine, the correct format would be to include the author's last name followed by the page number.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

I agree with you on both. =)

A chamber is just a room. Re-think #14.

What is a metaphor in the first place?

I agree with you on #16.

15 is A and 16 is A also .